- Via the e-mail address vamvaxshop.com 24 hours a day.
- Via telephone daily Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00 at 210 93 16 898 or 210 32 32 012 .
- Via email to info@vamvaxshop.com indicating the code of each product you wish to buy, along with your details (Name - Surname, Billing - Shipping Address, Contact Phone). The sales department will contact you directly to process your order.
The VamvaxShop is organized in such a way that your navigation through our product categories is simple.
The filters will make it easier for you to quickly and easily find exactly the item you are looking for!
Instructions how to place your order from our E-Shop:
- Once you have found the product you wish to buy, select the quantity of products you wish to buy and press "Add to Cart". The item is automatically added to your shopping cart.
- You are then given the option to "Continue Shopping" by adding more products to your shopping cart or complete your purchases by selecting the "Checkout".
- Fill in the required information in the fields that will be requested to proceed with your order.
- Choose "Payment Method" and "Shipping Method".
- Finally, once you have followed all the above steps, click on the link "Checkout".
Your purchase is completed in just a few steps!